We did a write up for Jeff the Brotherhood after last years SXSW, but we decided to update it a bit making them an artist to watch at SXSW 2011 since they've accomplished a lot this past year... So anyway.. These guys are pure rock and roll. You can't get more raw sounding than these two brothers from Tennessee. Jake is the singer/guitarist and Jamin plays drums. Sounds simple, but after hearing them you wouldn't believe there are only two people in this band. Their music ranges from bluesy rock to psychedelic jams. Most of the sound they bring is loud and dirty. Over the summer these guys really broke into the scene and started to make a real name for themselves. Go see these guys if you have a chance because their live show is insane. If you don't believe me check out their recently released live album from Jack White's Third Man Records. They were easily one of the top shows of SXSW 2010 and they look to continue rocking our faces off. Check out some clips of these guys below after the jump.
Mind Ride
U Got the Look
Bone Jam
The Ripper (Live)