Thursday, June 17, 2010

Band to Watch: Warpaint

Warpaint is an LA based band that is currently on the rise. This year at SXSW they came in as a buzz band and didn't fail under the pressure. They dominated all their performances and have been on the rise since then. They just played Bonnaroo and are going to play Lollapalooza in August. Warpaint defines the term "Girl Power". They are all talented with their instruments and tend to jam a lot in their concerts. They also have angelic voices to go with their instrumentals. Check out some YouTube videos of them after the jump. Right now you can buy their EP "Exquisite Corpse" on iTunes and their debut LP should be out by August. Check them out because they are on the verge of becoming huge.

Warpaint- Elephants

Warpaint- Beetles

Warpaint- Stars